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Aragon OSx

The Contracts Behind the Protocol

The Aragon OSx protocol is the foundation layer of the new Aragon stack. It allows users to create, manage, and customize DAOs in a way that is lean, adaptable, and secure.

The Aragon OSx protocol architecture is composed of two key sections:

  • Core contracts: the primitives the end user will interact with. It is composed of 3 parts:
    • DAO contract: the main contract of our protocol. It holds a DAO's assets and possible actions.
    • Permissions: govern interactions between the plugins, DAOs, and any other address - allowing them (or not) to execute actions on behalf of and within the DAO.
    • Plugins: base templates of plugins.
  • Framework contracts: in charge of creating and registering each deployed DAO or plugin. It contains:
    • DAO and Plugin Repository Factories: creates DAOs or plugins.
    • DAO and Plugin Registries: registers into our protocol those DAOs or plugins.
    • Plugin Setup Processor: installs and uninstalls plugins into DAOs.

Through permissions and plugins, DAO builders are able to build and customize their DAO to suit their needs.

Getting Started

Users interact with the Aragon OSx protocol through the Aragon App, the Aragon SDK, or directly calling on the protocol contracts - as well as through any third-party projects built using our stack.

To add the contracts to your project, open a terminal in the root folder of your Solidity project and run:

yarn add @aragon/osx

Then, to use the contracts within your project, import the contracts through something like:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity 0.8.21;

import {Plugin, IDAO} from '@aragon/osx/core/plugin/Plugin.sol';

contract MyCoolPlugin is Plugin {
// ...

Customize your DAO

DAO Plugins are the best way to customize your DAO. These are modular extendable pieces of software which you can install or uninstall from your DAO as it evolves and grows.

To learn more about plugins, check out our guide here.


This documentation is divided into conceptual and practical sections as well as the reference guide.

  • Conceptual How It Works articles explain the architecture behind our protocol.
  • Practical How-to Guides explain how to use and leverage our protocol.
  • The Reference Guide generated from the NatSpec comments of the latest @aragon/osx release documents each individual Solididty contract, function, and variable.
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