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The DAO token balance for each token within an ERC1155 Token Smart Contract

type ERC1155TokenIdBalance {
amount: BigInt!
balance: ERC1155Balance!
id: ID!
lastUpdated: BigInt!
tokenId: BigInt!


ERC1155TokenIdBalance.amount ● BigInt! non-null scalar

The number of tokens held by the DAO per ERC1155 Token Smart Contract and token ID.

ERC1155TokenIdBalance.balance ● ERC1155Balance! non-null object

One to Many relationship linking with ERC1155Balance entity. ● ID! non-null scalar

The concatenation of DAO Smart Contract address, ERC1155 Token Smart Contract and token ID. Joined by '_'.

ERC1155TokenIdBalance.lastUpdated ● BigInt! non-null scalar

The block timestamp of the last update (transfer) for this token balance.

ERC1155TokenIdBalance.tokenId ● BigInt! non-null scalar

The ID for each different token in an ERC1155 Token Smart Contract held by the DAO.

Member Of

ERC1155Balance object

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