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The IMembership Interface

The IMembership interface defines common functions and events for for plugins that keep track of membership in a DAO. This plugins can be used to define who can vote on proposals, who can create proposals, etc. The list of members can be defined in the plugin itself or by a contract that defines the membership like an ERC20 or ERC721 token.

The interface is defined as follows:

/// @notice An interface to be implemented by DAO plugins that define membership.
interface IMembership {
/// @notice Emitted when members are added to the DAO plugin.
/// @param members The list of new members being added.
event MembersAdded(address[] members);

/// @notice Emitted when members are removed from the DAO plugin.
/// @param members The list of existing members being removed.
event MembersRemoved(address[] members);

/// @notice Emitted to announce the membership being defined by a contract.
/// @param definingContract The contract defining the membership.
event MembershipContractAnnounced(address indexed definingContract);

/// @notice Checks if an account is a member of the DAO.
/// @param _account The address of the account to be checked.
/// @return Whether the account is a member or not.
/// @dev This function must be implemented in the plugin contract that introduces the members to the DAO.
function isMember(address _account) external view returns (bool);

The interface contains three events and one function.

MembersAdded event

The members added event should be emitted when members are added to the DAO plugin. It only contains one address[] members parameter that references the list of new members being added.

  • members: The list of new members being added.

MembersRemoved event

The members added event should be emitted when members are removed from the DAO plugin. It only contains one address[] members parameter that references the list of members being removed.

MembershipContractAnnounced event

This event should be emitted during the initialization of the membership plugin to announce the membership being defined by a contract. It contains the defining contract as a parameter.

isMember function

This is a simple function that should be implemented in the plugin contract that introduces the members to the DAO. It checks if an account is a member of the DAO and returns a boolean value.


contract MyPlugin is IMembership {
address public membershipContract;

constructor(address tokenAddress) {
// Initialize the membership contract
// ...
membershipContract = tokenAddress;
emit MembershipContractAnnounced(tokenAddress);

function isMember(address _account) external view returns (bool) {
// Check if the account is a member of the DAO
// ...

// Other plugin functions
function addMembers(address[] memory _members) external {
// Add members to the DAO
// ...
emit MembersAdded(_members);

function removeMembers(address[] memory _members) external {
// Remove members from the DAO
// ...
emit MembersRemoved(_members);

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