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The IProposal Interface

The IProposal interface is used to create and execute proposals containing actions and a description.

The interface is defined as follows:

interface IProposal {
/// @notice Emitted when a proposal is created.
/// @param proposalId The ID of the proposal.
/// @param creator The creator of the proposal.
/// @param startDate The start date of the proposal in seconds.
/// @param endDate The end date of the proposal in seconds.
/// @param metadata The metadata of the proposal.
/// @param actions The actions that will be executed if the proposal passes.
/// @param allowFailureMap A bitmap allowing the proposal to succeed, even if individual actions might revert. If the bit at index `i` is 1, the proposal succeeds even if the `i`th action reverts. A failure map value of 0 requires every action to not revert.
event ProposalCreated(
uint256 indexed proposalId,
address indexed creator,
uint64 startDate,
uint64 endDate,
bytes metadata,
IDAO.Action[] actions,
uint256 allowFailureMap

/// @notice Emitted when a proposal is executed.
/// @param proposalId The ID of the proposal.
event ProposalExecuted(uint256 indexed proposalId);

/// @notice Returns the proposal count determining the next proposal ID.
/// @return The proposal count.
function proposalCount() external view returns (uint256);

This interface contains two events and one function

ProposalCreated event

This event should be emitted when a proposal is created. It contains the following parameters:

  • proposalId: The ID of the proposal.
  • creator: The creator of the proposal.
  • startDate: The start block number of the proposal.
  • endDate: The end block number of the proposal.
  • metadata: This should contain a metadata ipfs hash or any other type of link to the metadata of the proposal.
  • actions: The actions that will be executed if the proposal passes.
  • allowFailureMap: A bitmap allowing the proposal to succeed, even if individual actions might revert. If the bit at index i is 1, the proposal succeeds even if the ith action reverts. A failure map value of 0 requires every action to not revert.

ProposalExecuted event

This event should be emitted when a proposal is executed. It contains the proposal ID as a parameter.

proposalCount function

This function should return the proposal count determining the next proposal ID.


contract MyPlugin is IProposal {
uint256 public proposalCount;

function createProposal(
uint64 _startDate,
uint64 _endDate,
bytes calldata _metadata,
IDAO.Action[] calldata _actions,
uint256 _allowFailureMap
) external {
emit ProposalCreated(

function proposalCount() external view returns (uint256) {
return proposalCount;

function executeProposal(uint256 _proposalId) external {
// Execute the proposal
emit ProposalExecuted(_proposalId);
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